3. Audio Lingual Method
The audio-lingual method, Army Method, or New Key, is a style of teaching used in teaching foreign languages. It is based on behaviorist theory, which professes that certain traits of living things, and in this case humans, could be trained through a system of reinforcement—correct use of a trait would receive positive feedback while incorrect use of that trait would receive negative feedback.
This approach to language learning was similar to another, earlier method called the direct method. Like the direct method, the audio-lingual method advised that students be taught a language directly, without using the students' native language to explain new words or grammar in the target language. However, unlike the direct method, the audio-lingual method didn’t focus on teaching vocabulary. Rather, the teacher drilled students in the use of grammar.
Applied to language instruction, and often within the context of the language lab, this means that the instructor would present the correct model of a sentence and the students would have to repeat it. The teacher would then continue by presenting new words for the students to sample in the same structure. In audio-lingualism, there is no explicit grammar instruction—everything is simply memorized in form. The idea is for the students to practice the particular construct until they can use it spontaneously. In this manner, the lessons are built on static drills in which the students have little or no control on their own output; the teacher is expecting a particular response and not providing that will result in a student receiving negative feedback. This type of activity, for the foundation of language learning, is in direct opposition with communicative language teaching.
Sabtu, 22 Mei 2010
direct method
2. Direct Method
The direct method of teaching foreign languages, sometimes also called the natural method, refrains from using the learners' native language and uses only the target language. It was established in Germany and France around 1900. Characteristic features of the direct method are
• teaching vocabulary through pantomiming, real-life objects and other visual materials
• teaching grammar by using an inductive approach (i.e. having learners find out rules through the presentation of adequate linguistic forms in the target language)
• centrality of spoken language (including a native-like pronunciation)
• focus on question-answer patterns
• teacher-centeredness
1. Classroom instructions are conducted exclusively in the target language.
2. Only everyday vocabulary and sentences are taught.
3. Oral communication skills are built up in a carefully graded progression organized around question-and-answer exchanges between teachers and students in small, intensive classes.
4. Grammar is taught inductively.
5. New teaching points are introduced orally.
6. Concrete vocabulary is taught through demonstration, objects, and pictures; abstract vocabulary is taught by association of ideas.
7. Both speech and listening comprehensions are taught.
8. Correct pronunciation and grammar are emphasized.
9. Student should be speaking at least 80% of the time during the lesson.
10. Students are taught from inception to ask questions as well as answer them.
The direct method of teaching foreign languages, sometimes also called the natural method, refrains from using the learners' native language and uses only the target language. It was established in Germany and France around 1900. Characteristic features of the direct method are
• teaching vocabulary through pantomiming, real-life objects and other visual materials
• teaching grammar by using an inductive approach (i.e. having learners find out rules through the presentation of adequate linguistic forms in the target language)
• centrality of spoken language (including a native-like pronunciation)
• focus on question-answer patterns
• teacher-centeredness
1. Classroom instructions are conducted exclusively in the target language.
2. Only everyday vocabulary and sentences are taught.
3. Oral communication skills are built up in a carefully graded progression organized around question-and-answer exchanges between teachers and students in small, intensive classes.
4. Grammar is taught inductively.
5. New teaching points are introduced orally.
6. Concrete vocabulary is taught through demonstration, objects, and pictures; abstract vocabulary is taught by association of ideas.
7. Both speech and listening comprehensions are taught.
8. Correct pronunciation and grammar are emphasized.
9. Student should be speaking at least 80% of the time during the lesson.
10. Students are taught from inception to ask questions as well as answer them.
total physical response (TPR)
7. Total physical response (TPR)
A method developed by Dr. James J. Asher, a professor emeritus of psychology at San José State University, to aid learning second languages. The method relies on the assumption that when learning a second or additional language, language is internalized through a process of codebreaking similar to first language development and that the process allows for a long period of listening and developing comprehension prior to production. Students respond to commands that require physical movement. TPR is primarily intended for ESL/EAL teachers, although the method is used in teaching other languages as well. The method became popular in the 1970s and attracted the attention or allegiance of some teachers, but it has not received generalized support from mainstream educators.
According to Asher, TPR is based on the premise that the human brain has a biological program for acquiring any natural language on earth - including the sign language of the deaf. The process is visible when we observe how infants internalize their first language.
It looks to the way that children learn their native language. Communication between parents and their children combines both verbal and physical aspects. The child responds physically to the speech of their parent. The responses of the child are in turn positively reinforced by the speech of the parent. For many months the child absorbs the language without being able to speak. It is during this period that the internalization and codebreaking occurs. After this stage the child is able to reproduce the language spontaneously. With TPR the language teacher tries to mimic this process in class.
Classroom usage
In the classroom the teacher and students take on roles similar to that of the parent and child respectively. Students must respond physically to the words of the teacher. The activity may be a simple game such as Simon Says or may involve more complex grammar and more detailed scenarios.
TPR can be used to practice and teach various things. It is well suited to teaching classroom language and other vocabulary connected with actions. It can be used to teach imperatives and various tenses and aspects. It is also useful for story-telling.
Because of its participatory approach, TPR may also be a useful alternative teaching strategy for students with dyslexia or related learning disabilities, who typically experience difficulty learning foreign languages with traditional classroom instruction.
According to its proponents, it has a number of advantages: Students will enjoy getting up out of their chairs and moving around. Simple TPR activities do not require a great deal of preparation on the part of the teacher. TPR is aptitude-free, working well with a mixed ability class, and with students having various disabilities. It is good for kinæsthetic learners who need to be active in the class. Class size need not be a problem, and it works effectively for children and adults.
However, it is recognized that TPR is most useful for beginners, though it can be used at higher levels where preparation becomes an issue for the teacher. It does not give students the opportunity to express their own thoughts in a creative way. Further, it is easy to overuse TPR-- "Any novelty, if carried on too long, will trigger adaptation." It can be a challenge for shy students. Additionally, the nature of TPR places an unnaturally heavy emphasis on the use of the imperative mood, that is to say commands such as "sit down" and "stand up". These features are of limited utility to the learner, and can lead to a learner appearing rude when attempting to use his new language. Of course, as a TPR class progresses, group activities and descriptions can be used which continue the basic concepts of TPR into full communication situations.
A method developed by Dr. James J. Asher, a professor emeritus of psychology at San José State University, to aid learning second languages. The method relies on the assumption that when learning a second or additional language, language is internalized through a process of codebreaking similar to first language development and that the process allows for a long period of listening and developing comprehension prior to production. Students respond to commands that require physical movement. TPR is primarily intended for ESL/EAL teachers, although the method is used in teaching other languages as well. The method became popular in the 1970s and attracted the attention or allegiance of some teachers, but it has not received generalized support from mainstream educators.
According to Asher, TPR is based on the premise that the human brain has a biological program for acquiring any natural language on earth - including the sign language of the deaf. The process is visible when we observe how infants internalize their first language.
It looks to the way that children learn their native language. Communication between parents and their children combines both verbal and physical aspects. The child responds physically to the speech of their parent. The responses of the child are in turn positively reinforced by the speech of the parent. For many months the child absorbs the language without being able to speak. It is during this period that the internalization and codebreaking occurs. After this stage the child is able to reproduce the language spontaneously. With TPR the language teacher tries to mimic this process in class.
Classroom usage
In the classroom the teacher and students take on roles similar to that of the parent and child respectively. Students must respond physically to the words of the teacher. The activity may be a simple game such as Simon Says or may involve more complex grammar and more detailed scenarios.
TPR can be used to practice and teach various things. It is well suited to teaching classroom language and other vocabulary connected with actions. It can be used to teach imperatives and various tenses and aspects. It is also useful for story-telling.
Because of its participatory approach, TPR may also be a useful alternative teaching strategy for students with dyslexia or related learning disabilities, who typically experience difficulty learning foreign languages with traditional classroom instruction.
According to its proponents, it has a number of advantages: Students will enjoy getting up out of their chairs and moving around. Simple TPR activities do not require a great deal of preparation on the part of the teacher. TPR is aptitude-free, working well with a mixed ability class, and with students having various disabilities. It is good for kinæsthetic learners who need to be active in the class. Class size need not be a problem, and it works effectively for children and adults.
However, it is recognized that TPR is most useful for beginners, though it can be used at higher levels where preparation becomes an issue for the teacher. It does not give students the opportunity to express their own thoughts in a creative way. Further, it is easy to overuse TPR-- "Any novelty, if carried on too long, will trigger adaptation." It can be a challenge for shy students. Additionally, the nature of TPR places an unnaturally heavy emphasis on the use of the imperative mood, that is to say commands such as "sit down" and "stand up". These features are of limited utility to the learner, and can lead to a learner appearing rude when attempting to use his new language. Of course, as a TPR class progresses, group activities and descriptions can be used which continue the basic concepts of TPR into full communication situations.
community language learning
6. Community language learning (CLL)
An approach in which students work together to develop what aspects of a language they would like to learn. The teacher acts as a counsellor and a paraphraser, while the learner acts as a collaborator, although sometimes this role can be changed.
The CLL method was developed by Charles E. Curran, a professor of psychology at Loyola University. This method refers to two roles: that of the knower (teacher) and student (learner). Also the method draws on the counseling metaphor and refers to these respective roles as a counselor and a client. According to Curran, a counselor helps a client understand his or her own problems better by 'capturing the essence of the clients concern ...[and] relating [the client's] affect to cognition...;' in effect, understanding the client and responding in a detached yet considerate manner. To restate, the counselor blends what the client feels and what he is learning in order to make the experience a meaningful one. Often, this supportive role requires greater energy expenditure than an 'average' teacher.
Natural Approach
The foreign language learner's tasks, according to CLL are (1) to apprehend the sound system of the language (2) assign fundamental meanings to individual lexical units and (3) construct a basic grammar. In these three steps, the CLL resembles the Natural Approach to language teaching in which a learner is not expected to speak until he has achieved some basic level of comprehension.
There are 5 stages of development in this method.
1. “Birth” stage: feeling of security and belonging are established.
2. As the learner’s ability improve, they achieve a measure of independence from the parent.
3. Learners can speak independently.
4. The learners are secure enough to take criticism and being corrected.
5. The child becomes an adult and becomes the knower.
An approach in which students work together to develop what aspects of a language they would like to learn. The teacher acts as a counsellor and a paraphraser, while the learner acts as a collaborator, although sometimes this role can be changed.
The CLL method was developed by Charles E. Curran, a professor of psychology at Loyola University. This method refers to two roles: that of the knower (teacher) and student (learner). Also the method draws on the counseling metaphor and refers to these respective roles as a counselor and a client. According to Curran, a counselor helps a client understand his or her own problems better by 'capturing the essence of the clients concern ...[and] relating [the client's] affect to cognition...;' in effect, understanding the client and responding in a detached yet considerate manner. To restate, the counselor blends what the client feels and what he is learning in order to make the experience a meaningful one. Often, this supportive role requires greater energy expenditure than an 'average' teacher.
Natural Approach
The foreign language learner's tasks, according to CLL are (1) to apprehend the sound system of the language (2) assign fundamental meanings to individual lexical units and (3) construct a basic grammar. In these three steps, the CLL resembles the Natural Approach to language teaching in which a learner is not expected to speak until he has achieved some basic level of comprehension.
There are 5 stages of development in this method.
1. “Birth” stage: feeling of security and belonging are established.
2. As the learner’s ability improve, they achieve a measure of independence from the parent.
3. Learners can speak independently.
4. The learners are secure enough to take criticism and being corrected.
5. The child becomes an adult and becomes the knower.
Senin, 29 Maret 2010
Suggestopedia is a teaching method developed by the Bulgarian psychotherapist Georgi Lozanov. The method has been used in different fields of studies but mostly in the field of foreign language learning.
"Suggestopedia" is
Not Hypnosis
Lozanov, once a hypnotist himself, now strongly opposes against use of hypnosis. He has realized the danger of hypnosis and being hypnotized (Lozanov 1978). In the process of refining his own Suggestopedia with Evelina Gateva, he has removed all elements that may induce "hypnotical states" of mind.
Lozanov defines hypnotic situation as being taken one's freedom and creativity away by a hypnotic dictator. Every teaching method that uses "order", "guidance", "Monotonous intonation" and "monotonous rhythm" may cause hypnotic states.
Not Superlearning
The authors of "Superlearning" have never been trained by Lozanov. The book was written with limited information acquired from a short observation of Lozanov's experimental research. Hence, there is a lot of misunderstandings in the book.
Not NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)
Lozanov denies any kind of manipulation on ones personality, even if it would "program" however positive or optimistic way of thinking. Suggestopedia sees "programming" is a product of "dictation" and "manipulation" that, like hypnosis, inhibits freedom of personality.
Not using a reclining chair, or a sofa.
A Suggestopedia class uses a room with a central round table and ordinary chairs surrounding the table. It never uses reclining chairs to lay down students and make them listen to a teacher's voice. Such an activity may cause hypnotic states.
Not using "breathing exercise"
Lozanov has never introduced a breathing exercise in his Suggestopedia. Such an exercise may cause hypnotic states.
Not using "visualization exercise"
Lozanov calls such an exercise as "guided fantasy". He regards this kind of guided fantasy in which people are forced to visualize some image is a hypnosis.
Not using "alpha wave" enhance exercise
"Alpha wave" is not a special brain wave. It appears only by closing eyes. It is meaningless to create a monotonous or fixed brain wave for the learning. Such an exercise may cause hypnotic states.
Not using "slow baroque" music in the concert reading
Suggestopedia uses baroque music pieces in the second or "passive" concert session. However it never uses a "slow baroque" or a music piece written as "adagio". It is simply because Suggestopedia does not want students to fall asleep in the concert session. Rather, it uses faster and livelier pieces to stimulate a whole brain.
In the first or "active" concert session, it uses even more lively pieces of classical music. The music list includes a quite dramatic piece such as Beethoven's piano concerto No.5.
Not using rap music in the concert reading
Suggestopedia uses the power of the selected (scientifically proven) pieces of classical music because of its artistically harmonized colorful melody, rhythm, and emotion that stimulates all levels of mind as it changes from time to time. Music dominated by a monotonous rhythm and beat, such as rap music, may cause hypnotic states.
Not only a group of teaching techniques
Teaching techniques are meaningless if applied without full comprehension of the theory. For example, giving a set of concert reading sessions in the traditional setting language classroom doesn't work.
Not able to teach without a teacher
Suggestopedia uses a lot of emotion in the classroom to stimulate all levels of human "personality" that works in coordination of consciousness and paraconsciousness. Self study can never receive such a global stimuli.
ivo angelia/10607058
"Suggestopedia" is
Not Hypnosis
Lozanov, once a hypnotist himself, now strongly opposes against use of hypnosis. He has realized the danger of hypnosis and being hypnotized (Lozanov 1978). In the process of refining his own Suggestopedia with Evelina Gateva, he has removed all elements that may induce "hypnotical states" of mind.
Lozanov defines hypnotic situation as being taken one's freedom and creativity away by a hypnotic dictator. Every teaching method that uses "order", "guidance", "Monotonous intonation" and "monotonous rhythm" may cause hypnotic states.
Not Superlearning
The authors of "Superlearning" have never been trained by Lozanov. The book was written with limited information acquired from a short observation of Lozanov's experimental research. Hence, there is a lot of misunderstandings in the book.
Not NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)
Lozanov denies any kind of manipulation on ones personality, even if it would "program" however positive or optimistic way of thinking. Suggestopedia sees "programming" is a product of "dictation" and "manipulation" that, like hypnosis, inhibits freedom of personality.
Not using a reclining chair, or a sofa.
A Suggestopedia class uses a room with a central round table and ordinary chairs surrounding the table. It never uses reclining chairs to lay down students and make them listen to a teacher's voice. Such an activity may cause hypnotic states.
Not using "breathing exercise"
Lozanov has never introduced a breathing exercise in his Suggestopedia. Such an exercise may cause hypnotic states.
Not using "visualization exercise"
Lozanov calls such an exercise as "guided fantasy". He regards this kind of guided fantasy in which people are forced to visualize some image is a hypnosis.
Not using "alpha wave" enhance exercise
"Alpha wave" is not a special brain wave. It appears only by closing eyes. It is meaningless to create a monotonous or fixed brain wave for the learning. Such an exercise may cause hypnotic states.
Not using "slow baroque" music in the concert reading
Suggestopedia uses baroque music pieces in the second or "passive" concert session. However it never uses a "slow baroque" or a music piece written as "adagio". It is simply because Suggestopedia does not want students to fall asleep in the concert session. Rather, it uses faster and livelier pieces to stimulate a whole brain.
In the first or "active" concert session, it uses even more lively pieces of classical music. The music list includes a quite dramatic piece such as Beethoven's piano concerto No.5.
Not using rap music in the concert reading
Suggestopedia uses the power of the selected (scientifically proven) pieces of classical music because of its artistically harmonized colorful melody, rhythm, and emotion that stimulates all levels of mind as it changes from time to time. Music dominated by a monotonous rhythm and beat, such as rap music, may cause hypnotic states.
Not only a group of teaching techniques
Teaching techniques are meaningless if applied without full comprehension of the theory. For example, giving a set of concert reading sessions in the traditional setting language classroom doesn't work.
Not able to teach without a teacher
Suggestopedia uses a lot of emotion in the classroom to stimulate all levels of human "personality" that works in coordination of consciousness and paraconsciousness. Self study can never receive such a global stimuli.
ivo angelia/10607058
Jumat, 19 Maret 2010
the audio-lingual method and the silent way
Theory of language
The Structural view of language is the view behind the audio-lingual method. Particular emphasis was laid on mastering the building blocks of language and learning the rules for combining them.
Theory of learning
Behaviori sm, including the following principles:
language learning is habit-formation
mistakes are bad and should be avoided, as they make bad habits
language skills are learned more effectively if they are presented orally first, then in written form
analogy is a better foundation for language learning than analysis
the meanings of words can be learned only in a linguistic and cultural context
Here are some of the objectives of the audio-lingual method:
accurate pronunciation and grammar
ability to respond quickly and accurately in speech situations
knowledge of sufficient vocabulary to use with grammar patterns.
The syllabus
Audiolingualism uses a structural syllabus
Types of learning techniques and activities
Here is a typical procedure in an audio-lingual course
Students hear a model dialogue
Students repeat each line of the dialogue
Certain key words or phrases may be changed in the dialogue
Key structures from the dialogue serve as the basis for pattern drills of different kinds.
The students practice substitutions in the pattern drills
The Silent Way is an approach to foreign-language learning designed to enable students to become independent, autonomous and responsible learners. It is part of a more general pedagogical approach to teaching and learning created by Caleb Gattegno, and operated by Educational Solutions Worldwide Inc. It is constructivist in nature, leading students to develop their own conceptual models of all the aspects of the language.
With The Silent Way, each sound in the new language is assigned a unique color. Once students have been introduced to the colors, they can determine the pronunciation of any word regardless of spelling. This is one way that the approach facilitates autonomous learning.
The main objective of a teacher using The Silent Way is to optimize the way students exchange their time for experience. Gattegno considered this to be the basic principle behind all education: "Living a life is changing time into experience." Experiencing the language means exploring it independently, experimenting, and speaking as much as possible. If students experience mistakes, and experience successes, they will retain the information much better than if they had memorized it.
The students are guided into developing their own "inner criteria" of what is right in the new language. They are encouraged to use all their mental powers to make connections between sounds and meanings in the target language. In a Silent Way class, the students express their thoughts and feelings about concrete situations created in the classroom by themselves or the teacher.
Ivo Angelia/3sao3
Theory of language
The Structural view of language is the view behind the audio-lingual method. Particular emphasis was laid on mastering the building blocks of language and learning the rules for combining them.
Theory of learning
Behaviori sm, including the following principles:
language learning is habit-formation
mistakes are bad and should be avoided, as they make bad habits
language skills are learned more effectively if they are presented orally first, then in written form
analogy is a better foundation for language learning than analysis
the meanings of words can be learned only in a linguistic and cultural context
Here are some of the objectives of the audio-lingual method:
accurate pronunciation and grammar
ability to respond quickly and accurately in speech situations
knowledge of sufficient vocabulary to use with grammar patterns.
The syllabus
Audiolingualism uses a structural syllabus
Types of learning techniques and activities
Here is a typical procedure in an audio-lingual course
Students hear a model dialogue
Students repeat each line of the dialogue
Certain key words or phrases may be changed in the dialogue
Key structures from the dialogue serve as the basis for pattern drills of different kinds.
The students practice substitutions in the pattern drills
The Silent Way is an approach to foreign-language learning designed to enable students to become independent, autonomous and responsible learners. It is part of a more general pedagogical approach to teaching and learning created by Caleb Gattegno, and operated by Educational Solutions Worldwide Inc. It is constructivist in nature, leading students to develop their own conceptual models of all the aspects of the language.
With The Silent Way, each sound in the new language is assigned a unique color. Once students have been introduced to the colors, they can determine the pronunciation of any word regardless of spelling. This is one way that the approach facilitates autonomous learning.
The main objective of a teacher using The Silent Way is to optimize the way students exchange their time for experience. Gattegno considered this to be the basic principle behind all education: "Living a life is changing time into experience." Experiencing the language means exploring it independently, experimenting, and speaking as much as possible. If students experience mistakes, and experience successes, they will retain the information much better than if they had memorized it.
The students are guided into developing their own "inner criteria" of what is right in the new language. They are encouraged to use all their mental powers to make connections between sounds and meanings in the target language. In a Silent Way class, the students express their thoughts and feelings about concrete situations created in the classroom by themselves or the teacher.
Ivo Angelia/3sao3
Sabtu, 13 Maret 2010
sastra dan feminisme di I ndonesia
Sejarah kemunculan Feminisme
Feminisme dalam pengertian yang umum, dipahami sebagai sebuah gerakan pembebasan dan perlindungan hak-hak perempuan dalam masyarakat. Tujuan yang hendak dicapai oleh gerakan ini adalah penegakan HAM (Hak Asasi Manusia), keadilan dan kesetaraan gender, baik dalam bidang politik, sosial, maupun pendidikan.
Oleh beberapa cendekiawan, feminisme disinyalir muncul pertama kali pada pertengahan abad ke-19 ketika secara perlahan perempuan mulai mempertanyakan statusnya yang inferior dan pada saat yang sama menuntut perbaikan posisi sosial mereka. Abad itu dan abad-abad sebelumnya adalah masa dimana dominasi laki-laki dalam berbagai hal yang menyiratkan ketidakadilan sosial, budaya, politik, dan ekonomi telah merenggut kebebasan perempuan. Kala itu, perempuan di Barat dibatasi hak-haknya secara masif. Mereka tidak diberi hak untuk memilih dan dipilih (semisal dilarang mengikuti pemilu), hak untuk memperoleh pendidikan tinggi, atau menerjuni profesi-profesi tertentu. Ketidak setaraan ini menggugah beberapa orang untuk mempertanyakan budaya patriarki yang sejak lama telah berlaku itu. Dan sejak saat itu muncul beberapa orang semisal Lady Mary Wortley Montagu dan Marquis de Condorcet yang dalam perkembangan selanjutnya, dalam bentuk yang lebih terorganisir, para feminis membentuk suatu kelompok atau gerakan yang lebih besar.
Gagasan pokok dari feminisme adalah bahwa perempuan dan laki-laki secara biologis berbeda, tetapi perbedaan ini tidak boleh diterjemahkan ke dalam sebuah penilaian yang tidak adil tentang pengalaman perempuan dan laki-laki; perbedaan biologis tidak boleh menyebabkan perbedaan dalam status hukum, yang satu lebih berhak atas lainnya.
1. Dalam penelitian yang lebih lajut, dihasilkan suatu pernyataan bahwa sebenarnya agama adalah salah satu dari sekian sumber yang memicu munculnya feminisme. Agama dinilai sebagai penyulut paling utama ketidaksetaraan gender yang telah beratus-ratus tahun lamanya terjadi. Dan berdasarkan hal ini, rasanya tak salah jika Feminisme Barat dianggap sebagai produk dari dominasi eksklusivitas gender oleh gereja dan diskriminasi yang vulgar antara pria dan perempuan serta pengingkaran terhadap perempuan dalam konteks hak-hak sosial Barat.
2. Sejarah panjang diskriminasi dan dominasi laki-laki terhadap perempuan sering kali bahkan hampir selalu disandarkan pada agama. Agama dijadikan sebagai justifikasi perlakuan bias gender oleh laki-laki. Hal ini secara tidak langsung berimplikasi pada anggapan bahwa perempuan adalah kelas rendahan dan tak layak mendapatkan beragam macam hak-hak, mulai dari pengekspresian pendapatnya hingga seluruh bentuk partisipasi sosial. Bahkan dalam bentuknya yang lebih ekstrem, dalam teologi gereja ada semacam keyakinan bahwa perempuan adalah sumber godaan dan kejahatan. Gerakan feminis merespon hal ini dengan niat dan usaha yang kuat untuk mengejar emansipasi perempuan dari segala jenis pengekangan dan ketidakadilan. Tak heran jika kemudian kesetaraan dalam pekerjaan, status sosial dan politik, serta kesetaraan dalam relasinya dengan ruang publik dan ruang privat, dan kesetaraan dalam mengurus anak, mereka perjuangkan. Mereka ingin keluar dari penjara ketidakadilan yang mengekang mereka selama berabad-abad lamanya. Mereka menghendaki pencarian kebebasan dalam segala hal sekalipun jika kebebasan itu melampaui batas-batas agama. Dalam perkembangan selanjutnya, feminisme terbagi ke dalam beberapa aliran semisal, Feminisme Sosialis, Feminisme Radikal, Feminisme Liberal, Post-Structural, Post-Modern, dan Ecofeminisme. Kesemua dari aliran feminisme ini berkembang di Barat. Meski terdapat keragaman dalam aliran bahkan teori dalam feminisme, namun sebenarnya common idea (ide umum) dari kesemuanya hanyalah satu, yakni bahwa agama merupakan salah satu penghalang bagi revitalisasi hak-hak perempuan dalam masyarakat. Secara fundamental, feminisme tak hanya tidak mempunyai konsep tentang prinsip-prinsip ilahi, tetapi juga bertentangan dengannya.
3. Oleh karena itu, feminisme bisa disebut sebagai suatu ideologi yang murni sekuler.
[1]Haideh Moghissi,, Feminisme dan Fundamentalisme Islam, LKiS, 2005, h. 189.
[2]Ali Hossein Hakeem, et. al. Membela Perempaun; Menakar Feminisme dengan nalar Agama, Al-Huda, 2005, h. 27.
[3]Ibid, h. 28.
Daftar Pustaka
Hakeem, Ali Hosein, et.al. 2005. Membela perempuan: Menakar Feminisme Dengan Nalar Agama. Jakarta: Al-Huda
Moghissi, Haideh. 2005, Feminisme dan Fundamentalisme Islam. Yogyakarta: LKiS.
Perspektif Feminis, Mengungkap yang Tak Terungkap
Oleh: Maria Hartiningsih
Sumber: Kompas-Swara, Sabtu, 8 Oktober 2005
Seorang teman yang banyak melakukan penelitian sosial bersorak ketika mendengar berita bahwa bantuan subsidi bahan bakar minyak dari pemerintah diserahkan kepada perempuan. Artinya perempuan diakui sebagai pengelola keuangan rumah tangga yang baik. Mereka tahu apa yang harus dilakukan, katanya. Mungkin peneliti itu juga akan dengan mudah menarik kesimpulan, kekerasan dalam rumah tangga tidak jadi masalah karena perempuan-perempuan respondennya menjawab, Tak ada soal. Itu hak suami. Kesimpulan sejenis diperlihatkan seorang peneliti yang mempertanyakan mengapa perempuan aktivis selalu mengatakan dalam krisis ekonomi, pemutusan hubungan kerja (PHK) atas nama efisiensi paling berdampak pada buruh perempuan. Waktu saya tanya apa buruh laki-laki juga mengalami PHK, aktivis itu bilang ya, ujar peneliti itu. Kalau laki-laki juga kena, mengapa yang disebut hanya yang perempuan. Bukankah berarti bahwa baik perempuan maupun laki-laki buruh terkena dampak PHK?
Seandainya peneliti itu melakukan analisisnya dengan perspektif feminis, ia tidak akan berhenti di situ. Ia akan mengeksplorasi lebih jauh sehingga dapat memaknai fakta lapangan secara berbeda. Perspektif feminis yang dipaparkan dalam buku Shulamit Reinharz akan mengungkapkan banyak hal yang tak terungkap dengan metode ilmu sosial yang ada, ujar Aris Mundayat, antropolog dari Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta. Dengan perspektif feminis ”perspektif ini berasal dari perspektif kritis” suara perempuan terdengar lebih nyaring karena peneliti akan menggugat fakta yang tersodor dengan sejumlah pertanyaan lanjutan dan observasi, disertai empati pada nasib mereka yang dikalahkan dalam suatu relasi kuasa.
Karena itu, perspektif ini juga sangat penting untuk menggemakan suara orang-orang dari kelompok yang terpinggir dan dipinggirkan, sambung Gadis Arivia, pengajar pada Jurusan Filsafat Universitas Indonesia dan pendiri Yayasan Jurnal Perempuan.
Kritik karya sastra dengan perspektif feminisme boleh dibilang relatif baru. Paling tidak, sampai saat ini belum banyak kritikus sastra dan mahasiswa sastra yang menggunakan perspektif feminisme dalam melakukan Kritik terhadap karya sastra. Banyak perempuan pasti akan membicarakan hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan persoalan domestik.
Tiga landasan yang bisa digunakan dalam kritik sastra dengan perspektif feminism ;
Pertama, kelompok feminis yang berusaha menjadi kritikus sastra dengan melihat ideologinya. Mereka ini umumnya akan menyoroti persoalan stereoti perempuan.
Kedua, genokritik yang mencari ja-waban apakah penulis perempuan itu merupakan kelompok khusus sehingga tulisannya bisa dibedakan dengan penulis laki-laki.
Ketiga, kelompok feminis yang menggunakan konsep sosialis dan marxis. Logikanya, bahwa perempuan itu faktanya tertindas karena tidak memiliki alat-alat produksi yang bisa digunakan untuk bisa menghasilkan uang. Masih menurut Maria, buku Soenarjati memberikan pegangan pada mahasiswa sastra atau orang-orang yang tertarik pada kritik sastra dalam melakukan kritik sastra dengan perspektif feminisme. "Meskipun sebenarnya perlu dilengkapi dengan penjelasan apakah landasan dalam perspektif feminisme yang dimuat dalam buku itu bisa
diterapkan di Indonesia atau tidak," katanya.
Dengan gerakan perempuan, adalah salah satu aliran yang banyak memberikan sumbangan dalam perkembangan studi kultural. Sastra feminis berakar dari pemahaman mengenai inferioritas perempuan. Konsep kunci feminis adalah kesetaraan antara martabat perempuan dan laki-laki. Teori feminis muncul seiring dengan bangkitnya kesadaran bahwa sebagai manusia, perempuan juga selayaknya memiliki hak-hak yang sama dengan laki-laki.
Sumbangan terpenting postrukturalisme terhadap kebudayaan adalah di dalam argumentasi yang bergentayangan mengenai feminisme, dan bahkan diantara feminis itu sendiri, hampir selalu muncul pernyataan :
“ Mengapa gerangan perempuan tidak bersatu saja dan menggulingkan patriarki yang dikatakan menjadi sumber ketertindasan perempuan secara universal. Dan, mengapa jika semua perempuan menderita dibawah patriarki, tidak semua perempuan jadi feminis ?”
Sementara itu, ada pula tudingan yang mengatakan bahwa, tampa sadar, sering kali kaum feminis sendiri secara tidak sengaja berkolusi dengan nilai-nilai serta asumsi-asumsi patriarchal yang merusak dalam kehidupan masyarakat.
Bagaimana dengan Perempuan Indonesia ?
Apa yang anda bayangkan tentang perempuan Indonesia yang adalah separuhnya dari seluruh jumlah warga negara di Indonesia? Apa yang anda lihat secara statistik yang dilakukan mereka ? Jangan bayangkan perempuan yang bekerja di kota-kota besar. Kita bayangkan jumlah yang ternyata paling banyak hidup di daerah-daerah, pelosok-pelosok, yang ikut berladang, melahirkan anak, tidak bersekolah, dan astaga ! Jumlah Tenaga Kerja Wanita (TKW) yang meningkat setiap tahun ! (Lihat data Buruh Migran Indonesia, jumlah tenaga kerja wanita melonjak setiap tahunnya dibandingkan dengan laki-laki). Dan dari sekian TKW, berapa banyak yang disiksa atau terjebak dalam perdagangan manusia yang diantaranya ; mengalami eksploitasi seksual, eksploitasi kerja, dan bahkan perbudakan. Hitunglah dari para TKW ini adakah yang terpelajar atau punya latar belakang pendidikan tinggi ? Cek saja, kebanyakan adalah lulusan sekolah dasar.
Perempuan Indonesia secara eksodus demikian adanya, dan tak ada alasan lain selain kita harus mengubah nasib mereka, sebagaimana yang terjadi pada sejarah kebakaran Pabrik Triangle Shirtwaist di New York pada 1911 yang mengakibatkan 140 orang perempuan kehilangan nyawanya. Bahkan apa yang terjadi di Indonesia lebih mengenaskan lagi. Indonesia adalah termasuk negara dalam level tertinggi Angka Kematian Ibu akibat melahirkan, aborsi yang tidak aman (karena kehamilan yang tidak diinginkan disebabkan kondisi ekonomi), dan karena kelahiran yang tidak tertangani, dan diantaranya adalah karena sulitnya akses pelayanan kesehatan.
Tetapi apa yang terjadi ?
Peraturan-peraturan daerah malah sibuk mengurusi pakaian-pakaian wanita yang seharusnya, di sisi lain para pemangku negara sibuk dengan politik dagang sapi, koalisi ini dan itu, dan korupsi yang semakin hari semakin merajalela, dan ruang politik itu kemudian pindah ke ruang redaksi yang ditayangkan dalam berbagai televisi. Maka apakah yang harus kita peringati dalam Hari Perempuan Internasional saat ini ? Adalah sebuah pernyataan yang betul-betul peringatan, bukan perayaan, bahwa sampai saat ini apa yang telah dicanangkan Millenium Development Goals ibarat ”jauh asap dari panggang”.
Mariana Amiruddin Direktur Eksekutif Yayasan Jurnal Perempuan
Ririe Bogar “Big is Beautiful”
Oleh: Titiana Adinda
Bila anda bertemu dengan sosok perempuan satu ini, anda hanya akan merasa dia memiliki rasa percaya diri yang amat tinggi, meskipun bertubuh sangat gemuk di banding perempuan pada umumnya. Berat badan 114 kg dan tinggi 170 cm. Tetapi jangan salah, perhatian dan pengabdiannya terhadap orang lain patutlah ditiru. Ririe Bogar (36 tahun) adalah pendiri komunitas Xtra-L di Indonesia. Komunitas tempat berkumpulya orang-orang yang merasa memiliki tubuh gemuk, baik perempuan maupun laki-laki. Meski di awal komunitas ini khusus untuk perempuan, tetapi makin lama, laki-laki banyak juga yang ikut serta dalam komunitas Xtra-L.
Komunitas Xtra-L itu berdiri pada 14 february 2007. Demi membuat orang-orang yang berbadan besar bisa tampil dengan percaya diri dan menerima diri apa adanya menjadi motivasi komunitas ini. Bukan itu saja, hal penting lain yang hedak dibangun dalam komunitas tersebut adalah menghargai diri sendiri agar menjadi berharga juga dimata orang lain.
Menjadi manusia gemuk, apalagi perempuan gemuk di Indonesia, selalu mendapat penilaian negatif dari masyarakat. Mereka kerap mendapat stigma tidak cantik, susah dapat jodoh, dan penyakitan. Terlebih iklan-iklan kosmetik yang sudah membentuk image, perempuan langsing adalah yang cantik. Termasuk masalah kekerasan dari masyarakat yang kerap kali diterima perempuan bertubuh gemuk; orangtua, saudara, guru, pasangan, dan sebagainya. Kekerasan psikologis mulai dari olok-olok, kata-kata kasar, sampai kekerasan fisik (dipukul) sering mendera mereka. Hal ini mendorong Ririe Bogar untuk membentuk komunitas Xtra-L. Membangun solidaritas sesama orang gemuk, saling menguatkan, dan saling berbagi antar mereka.
Melalui email khusus untuk curhat bagi orang-orang gemuk, Ririe mulai berkomunikasi dengan mereka. Bahkan Ririe tengah mengarah untuk memiliki sebuah hotline atau semacam crisis centre bagi para orang gemuk dan permasalahannya. Sayangnya belum ada pihak yang sudi mendukung kegiatan tersebut.
Feminisme dalam pengertian yang umum, dipahami sebagai sebuah gerakan pembebasan dan perlindungan hak-hak perempuan dalam masyarakat. Tujuan yang hendak dicapai oleh gerakan ini adalah penegakan HAM (Hak Asasi Manusia), keadilan dan kesetaraan gender, baik dalam bidang politik, sosial, maupun pendidikan.
Oleh beberapa cendekiawan, feminisme disinyalir muncul pertama kali pada pertengahan abad ke-19 ketika secara perlahan perempuan mulai mempertanyakan statusnya yang inferior dan pada saat yang sama menuntut perbaikan posisi sosial mereka. Abad itu dan abad-abad sebelumnya adalah masa dimana dominasi laki-laki dalam berbagai hal yang menyiratkan ketidakadilan sosial, budaya, politik, dan ekonomi telah merenggut kebebasan perempuan. Kala itu, perempuan di Barat dibatasi hak-haknya secara masif. Mereka tidak diberi hak untuk memilih dan dipilih (semisal dilarang mengikuti pemilu), hak untuk memperoleh pendidikan tinggi, atau menerjuni profesi-profesi tertentu. Ketidak setaraan ini menggugah beberapa orang untuk mempertanyakan budaya patriarki yang sejak lama telah berlaku itu. Dan sejak saat itu muncul beberapa orang semisal Lady Mary Wortley Montagu dan Marquis de Condorcet yang dalam perkembangan selanjutnya, dalam bentuk yang lebih terorganisir, para feminis membentuk suatu kelompok atau gerakan yang lebih besar.
Gagasan pokok dari feminisme adalah bahwa perempuan dan laki-laki secara biologis berbeda, tetapi perbedaan ini tidak boleh diterjemahkan ke dalam sebuah penilaian yang tidak adil tentang pengalaman perempuan dan laki-laki; perbedaan biologis tidak boleh menyebabkan perbedaan dalam status hukum, yang satu lebih berhak atas lainnya.
1. Dalam penelitian yang lebih lajut, dihasilkan suatu pernyataan bahwa sebenarnya agama adalah salah satu dari sekian sumber yang memicu munculnya feminisme. Agama dinilai sebagai penyulut paling utama ketidaksetaraan gender yang telah beratus-ratus tahun lamanya terjadi. Dan berdasarkan hal ini, rasanya tak salah jika Feminisme Barat dianggap sebagai produk dari dominasi eksklusivitas gender oleh gereja dan diskriminasi yang vulgar antara pria dan perempuan serta pengingkaran terhadap perempuan dalam konteks hak-hak sosial Barat.
2. Sejarah panjang diskriminasi dan dominasi laki-laki terhadap perempuan sering kali bahkan hampir selalu disandarkan pada agama. Agama dijadikan sebagai justifikasi perlakuan bias gender oleh laki-laki. Hal ini secara tidak langsung berimplikasi pada anggapan bahwa perempuan adalah kelas rendahan dan tak layak mendapatkan beragam macam hak-hak, mulai dari pengekspresian pendapatnya hingga seluruh bentuk partisipasi sosial. Bahkan dalam bentuknya yang lebih ekstrem, dalam teologi gereja ada semacam keyakinan bahwa perempuan adalah sumber godaan dan kejahatan. Gerakan feminis merespon hal ini dengan niat dan usaha yang kuat untuk mengejar emansipasi perempuan dari segala jenis pengekangan dan ketidakadilan. Tak heran jika kemudian kesetaraan dalam pekerjaan, status sosial dan politik, serta kesetaraan dalam relasinya dengan ruang publik dan ruang privat, dan kesetaraan dalam mengurus anak, mereka perjuangkan. Mereka ingin keluar dari penjara ketidakadilan yang mengekang mereka selama berabad-abad lamanya. Mereka menghendaki pencarian kebebasan dalam segala hal sekalipun jika kebebasan itu melampaui batas-batas agama. Dalam perkembangan selanjutnya, feminisme terbagi ke dalam beberapa aliran semisal, Feminisme Sosialis, Feminisme Radikal, Feminisme Liberal, Post-Structural, Post-Modern, dan Ecofeminisme. Kesemua dari aliran feminisme ini berkembang di Barat. Meski terdapat keragaman dalam aliran bahkan teori dalam feminisme, namun sebenarnya common idea (ide umum) dari kesemuanya hanyalah satu, yakni bahwa agama merupakan salah satu penghalang bagi revitalisasi hak-hak perempuan dalam masyarakat. Secara fundamental, feminisme tak hanya tidak mempunyai konsep tentang prinsip-prinsip ilahi, tetapi juga bertentangan dengannya.
3. Oleh karena itu, feminisme bisa disebut sebagai suatu ideologi yang murni sekuler.
[1]Haideh Moghissi,, Feminisme dan Fundamentalisme Islam, LKiS, 2005, h. 189.
[2]Ali Hossein Hakeem, et. al. Membela Perempaun; Menakar Feminisme dengan nalar Agama, Al-Huda, 2005, h. 27.
[3]Ibid, h. 28.
Daftar Pustaka
Hakeem, Ali Hosein, et.al. 2005. Membela perempuan: Menakar Feminisme Dengan Nalar Agama. Jakarta: Al-Huda
Moghissi, Haideh. 2005, Feminisme dan Fundamentalisme Islam. Yogyakarta: LKiS.
Perspektif Feminis, Mengungkap yang Tak Terungkap
Oleh: Maria Hartiningsih
Sumber: Kompas-Swara, Sabtu, 8 Oktober 2005
Seorang teman yang banyak melakukan penelitian sosial bersorak ketika mendengar berita bahwa bantuan subsidi bahan bakar minyak dari pemerintah diserahkan kepada perempuan. Artinya perempuan diakui sebagai pengelola keuangan rumah tangga yang baik. Mereka tahu apa yang harus dilakukan, katanya. Mungkin peneliti itu juga akan dengan mudah menarik kesimpulan, kekerasan dalam rumah tangga tidak jadi masalah karena perempuan-perempuan respondennya menjawab, Tak ada soal. Itu hak suami. Kesimpulan sejenis diperlihatkan seorang peneliti yang mempertanyakan mengapa perempuan aktivis selalu mengatakan dalam krisis ekonomi, pemutusan hubungan kerja (PHK) atas nama efisiensi paling berdampak pada buruh perempuan. Waktu saya tanya apa buruh laki-laki juga mengalami PHK, aktivis itu bilang ya, ujar peneliti itu. Kalau laki-laki juga kena, mengapa yang disebut hanya yang perempuan. Bukankah berarti bahwa baik perempuan maupun laki-laki buruh terkena dampak PHK?
Seandainya peneliti itu melakukan analisisnya dengan perspektif feminis, ia tidak akan berhenti di situ. Ia akan mengeksplorasi lebih jauh sehingga dapat memaknai fakta lapangan secara berbeda. Perspektif feminis yang dipaparkan dalam buku Shulamit Reinharz akan mengungkapkan banyak hal yang tak terungkap dengan metode ilmu sosial yang ada, ujar Aris Mundayat, antropolog dari Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta. Dengan perspektif feminis ”perspektif ini berasal dari perspektif kritis” suara perempuan terdengar lebih nyaring karena peneliti akan menggugat fakta yang tersodor dengan sejumlah pertanyaan lanjutan dan observasi, disertai empati pada nasib mereka yang dikalahkan dalam suatu relasi kuasa.
Karena itu, perspektif ini juga sangat penting untuk menggemakan suara orang-orang dari kelompok yang terpinggir dan dipinggirkan, sambung Gadis Arivia, pengajar pada Jurusan Filsafat Universitas Indonesia dan pendiri Yayasan Jurnal Perempuan.
Kritik karya sastra dengan perspektif feminisme boleh dibilang relatif baru. Paling tidak, sampai saat ini belum banyak kritikus sastra dan mahasiswa sastra yang menggunakan perspektif feminisme dalam melakukan Kritik terhadap karya sastra. Banyak perempuan pasti akan membicarakan hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan persoalan domestik.
Tiga landasan yang bisa digunakan dalam kritik sastra dengan perspektif feminism ;
Pertama, kelompok feminis yang berusaha menjadi kritikus sastra dengan melihat ideologinya. Mereka ini umumnya akan menyoroti persoalan stereoti perempuan.
Kedua, genokritik yang mencari ja-waban apakah penulis perempuan itu merupakan kelompok khusus sehingga tulisannya bisa dibedakan dengan penulis laki-laki.
Ketiga, kelompok feminis yang menggunakan konsep sosialis dan marxis. Logikanya, bahwa perempuan itu faktanya tertindas karena tidak memiliki alat-alat produksi yang bisa digunakan untuk bisa menghasilkan uang. Masih menurut Maria, buku Soenarjati memberikan pegangan pada mahasiswa sastra atau orang-orang yang tertarik pada kritik sastra dalam melakukan kritik sastra dengan perspektif feminisme. "Meskipun sebenarnya perlu dilengkapi dengan penjelasan apakah landasan dalam perspektif feminisme yang dimuat dalam buku itu bisa
diterapkan di Indonesia atau tidak," katanya.
Dengan gerakan perempuan, adalah salah satu aliran yang banyak memberikan sumbangan dalam perkembangan studi kultural. Sastra feminis berakar dari pemahaman mengenai inferioritas perempuan. Konsep kunci feminis adalah kesetaraan antara martabat perempuan dan laki-laki. Teori feminis muncul seiring dengan bangkitnya kesadaran bahwa sebagai manusia, perempuan juga selayaknya memiliki hak-hak yang sama dengan laki-laki.
Sumbangan terpenting postrukturalisme terhadap kebudayaan adalah di dalam argumentasi yang bergentayangan mengenai feminisme, dan bahkan diantara feminis itu sendiri, hampir selalu muncul pernyataan :
“ Mengapa gerangan perempuan tidak bersatu saja dan menggulingkan patriarki yang dikatakan menjadi sumber ketertindasan perempuan secara universal. Dan, mengapa jika semua perempuan menderita dibawah patriarki, tidak semua perempuan jadi feminis ?”
Sementara itu, ada pula tudingan yang mengatakan bahwa, tampa sadar, sering kali kaum feminis sendiri secara tidak sengaja berkolusi dengan nilai-nilai serta asumsi-asumsi patriarchal yang merusak dalam kehidupan masyarakat.
Bagaimana dengan Perempuan Indonesia ?
Apa yang anda bayangkan tentang perempuan Indonesia yang adalah separuhnya dari seluruh jumlah warga negara di Indonesia? Apa yang anda lihat secara statistik yang dilakukan mereka ? Jangan bayangkan perempuan yang bekerja di kota-kota besar. Kita bayangkan jumlah yang ternyata paling banyak hidup di daerah-daerah, pelosok-pelosok, yang ikut berladang, melahirkan anak, tidak bersekolah, dan astaga ! Jumlah Tenaga Kerja Wanita (TKW) yang meningkat setiap tahun ! (Lihat data Buruh Migran Indonesia, jumlah tenaga kerja wanita melonjak setiap tahunnya dibandingkan dengan laki-laki). Dan dari sekian TKW, berapa banyak yang disiksa atau terjebak dalam perdagangan manusia yang diantaranya ; mengalami eksploitasi seksual, eksploitasi kerja, dan bahkan perbudakan. Hitunglah dari para TKW ini adakah yang terpelajar atau punya latar belakang pendidikan tinggi ? Cek saja, kebanyakan adalah lulusan sekolah dasar.
Perempuan Indonesia secara eksodus demikian adanya, dan tak ada alasan lain selain kita harus mengubah nasib mereka, sebagaimana yang terjadi pada sejarah kebakaran Pabrik Triangle Shirtwaist di New York pada 1911 yang mengakibatkan 140 orang perempuan kehilangan nyawanya. Bahkan apa yang terjadi di Indonesia lebih mengenaskan lagi. Indonesia adalah termasuk negara dalam level tertinggi Angka Kematian Ibu akibat melahirkan, aborsi yang tidak aman (karena kehamilan yang tidak diinginkan disebabkan kondisi ekonomi), dan karena kelahiran yang tidak tertangani, dan diantaranya adalah karena sulitnya akses pelayanan kesehatan.
Tetapi apa yang terjadi ?
Peraturan-peraturan daerah malah sibuk mengurusi pakaian-pakaian wanita yang seharusnya, di sisi lain para pemangku negara sibuk dengan politik dagang sapi, koalisi ini dan itu, dan korupsi yang semakin hari semakin merajalela, dan ruang politik itu kemudian pindah ke ruang redaksi yang ditayangkan dalam berbagai televisi. Maka apakah yang harus kita peringati dalam Hari Perempuan Internasional saat ini ? Adalah sebuah pernyataan yang betul-betul peringatan, bukan perayaan, bahwa sampai saat ini apa yang telah dicanangkan Millenium Development Goals ibarat ”jauh asap dari panggang”.
Mariana Amiruddin Direktur Eksekutif Yayasan Jurnal Perempuan
Ririe Bogar “Big is Beautiful”
Oleh: Titiana Adinda
Bila anda bertemu dengan sosok perempuan satu ini, anda hanya akan merasa dia memiliki rasa percaya diri yang amat tinggi, meskipun bertubuh sangat gemuk di banding perempuan pada umumnya. Berat badan 114 kg dan tinggi 170 cm. Tetapi jangan salah, perhatian dan pengabdiannya terhadap orang lain patutlah ditiru. Ririe Bogar (36 tahun) adalah pendiri komunitas Xtra-L di Indonesia. Komunitas tempat berkumpulya orang-orang yang merasa memiliki tubuh gemuk, baik perempuan maupun laki-laki. Meski di awal komunitas ini khusus untuk perempuan, tetapi makin lama, laki-laki banyak juga yang ikut serta dalam komunitas Xtra-L.
Komunitas Xtra-L itu berdiri pada 14 february 2007. Demi membuat orang-orang yang berbadan besar bisa tampil dengan percaya diri dan menerima diri apa adanya menjadi motivasi komunitas ini. Bukan itu saja, hal penting lain yang hedak dibangun dalam komunitas tersebut adalah menghargai diri sendiri agar menjadi berharga juga dimata orang lain.
Menjadi manusia gemuk, apalagi perempuan gemuk di Indonesia, selalu mendapat penilaian negatif dari masyarakat. Mereka kerap mendapat stigma tidak cantik, susah dapat jodoh, dan penyakitan. Terlebih iklan-iklan kosmetik yang sudah membentuk image, perempuan langsing adalah yang cantik. Termasuk masalah kekerasan dari masyarakat yang kerap kali diterima perempuan bertubuh gemuk; orangtua, saudara, guru, pasangan, dan sebagainya. Kekerasan psikologis mulai dari olok-olok, kata-kata kasar, sampai kekerasan fisik (dipukul) sering mendera mereka. Hal ini mendorong Ririe Bogar untuk membentuk komunitas Xtra-L. Membangun solidaritas sesama orang gemuk, saling menguatkan, dan saling berbagi antar mereka.
Melalui email khusus untuk curhat bagi orang-orang gemuk, Ririe mulai berkomunikasi dengan mereka. Bahkan Ririe tengah mengarah untuk memiliki sebuah hotline atau semacam crisis centre bagi para orang gemuk dan permasalahannya. Sayangnya belum ada pihak yang sudi mendukung kegiatan tersebut.
the Grammar Translation Method
The Grammar Translation Method
What are the goals of teachers who use the grammar-translation
According to the teachers who use the grammar-translation method, a fundamental purpose of learning a foreign language is to be able to read literature written in the target language. To do this, students need to learn about the grammar rules and vocabulary of the target language. In addition, it is believed that studying a foreign language provides students with good mental exercise which helps develop their minds.
What is the role of the teacher? What is the role of the students?
The roles are very traditional. The teacher is the authority in the class-room. The students do as she says so they can learn what she knows.
What are some characteristics of the teaching/learning process?
Students are taught to translate from one language to another. Often what they translate are readings in the target language about some aspect of the culture of the target language community. Students study grammar deductively; that is, they are given the grammar rules and examples, are told to memorize them, and then are asked to apply the rules to other examples. They also learn grammatical paradigms such as verb conjugations. They memorize native-language equivalents for target-language vocabulary words.
What is nature of student-teacher interaction? What is the nature of student-student interaction?
Moss of the interaction in the classroom is from the teacher to the students. There is little student initiation and little student-student interaction.
How are the feelings of the students dealt with?
There are no principles of the method which relate to this area.
How is the language viewed? How is culture viewed?
Literary language is considered superior to spoken language and is therefore the language that students study. Culture is viewed as condisisting of literature and the fine arts.
What areas of language are emphasized? What language skills are emphasized?
Vocabulary and grammar are emphasized. Reading and writing are the primary skills that the students work on. There is much less attention given to speaking and listening. Pronunciation receives little, if any attention.
What is the role of the students’ native language?
The meaning of the target language is made clear by translating it into the students native language. The language that is used in class is mostly the students’ native language.
How is evaluation accomplished?
Written tests in which students are asked to translate from their native language to the target language or vice versa are often used. Questions about the target culture or questions that ask students to apply grammar rules are also common.
How does the teacher respond to student errors?
Having the students get the correct answer is considered very important. If students make errors or do not know an answer, the teacher supplies them with the correct answer.
Ask yourself if any of the answers to the above questions make sense to you. If so, you may choose to try some of the techniques of the grammar translation. Method from the review that follows. On the other hand, you may find that you agree very little with the answer to these questions, but that there are still some useful techniques associated with the Grammar-Translation Method. Below is an expanded description of some of these techniques.
Translation of a literary passage
Students translate a reading passage from the target language into their native language. The reading passage then provides the focus for several classes: vocabulary and grammatical structures in the passage are studied in subsequent lessons. The passage may be excerpted from some work from the target language literature, or a teacher may write a passage carefully designed to include particular grammar rules and vocabulary. The translation may be written or spoken or both. Students should not translate idioms and the like literally, but rather in a way that shows that they understand their meaning.
Reading comprehension questions
Students answer questions in the target language based on their under standing of the reading passage. Often the questions are sequenced so that the first group of questions asks for information contained within the reading passage. In order to answer the second group of questions, students will have to make inferences based on their understanding of the passage. This means they will have to answer questions about the passage even though the answer are not contained in the passage itself. The third group of questions requires students to relate the passage to their own experience.
Students are given one set of words and are asked to find antonyms in the reading passage. A similar exercise could be done by asking students to find synonyms for a particular set of words. Or students might be asked to define a set of words based on their understanding of them as they occur in the reading passage. Other exercises that ask students to work with the vocabulary of the passage are also possible.
Students are taught to recognize cognates by learning the spelling or sound patterns that correspond between the languages. Students are also asked to memorize words that look like cognates but have meanings in the target language that are different from those in the native language. This technique, of course, would only be useful in languages that share cognates.
Deductive application of rule
Grammar rules are presented with examples. Exceptions to each rule are also noted. Once students understand a rule, they are asked to apply it to some different examples.
Students are given a series of sentences with words missing. They fill in the blanks with new vocabulary items or with items of a particular grammar type, such as prepositions or verbs with different tenses.
Students are given lists of target language vocabulary words and their native language equivalents and are asked to memorize them. Students are also required to memorize grammatical rules and grammatical paradigms such as verb conjugations.
Use words in sentences
In order to show that students understand the meaning and use of a new vocabulary item, they make up sentences in which they use the new words.
The teacher gives the students a topic to write about in the target language. The topic is based upon some aspect of the reading passage of the lesson. Sometimes, instead of creating a composition, students are asked to prepare a précis of the reading passage.
What are the goals of teachers who use the grammar-translation
According to the teachers who use the grammar-translation method, a fundamental purpose of learning a foreign language is to be able to read literature written in the target language. To do this, students need to learn about the grammar rules and vocabulary of the target language. In addition, it is believed that studying a foreign language provides students with good mental exercise which helps develop their minds.
What is the role of the teacher? What is the role of the students?
The roles are very traditional. The teacher is the authority in the class-room. The students do as she says so they can learn what she knows.
What are some characteristics of the teaching/learning process?
Students are taught to translate from one language to another. Often what they translate are readings in the target language about some aspect of the culture of the target language community. Students study grammar deductively; that is, they are given the grammar rules and examples, are told to memorize them, and then are asked to apply the rules to other examples. They also learn grammatical paradigms such as verb conjugations. They memorize native-language equivalents for target-language vocabulary words.
What is nature of student-teacher interaction? What is the nature of student-student interaction?
Moss of the interaction in the classroom is from the teacher to the students. There is little student initiation and little student-student interaction.
How are the feelings of the students dealt with?
There are no principles of the method which relate to this area.
How is the language viewed? How is culture viewed?
Literary language is considered superior to spoken language and is therefore the language that students study. Culture is viewed as condisisting of literature and the fine arts.
What areas of language are emphasized? What language skills are emphasized?
Vocabulary and grammar are emphasized. Reading and writing are the primary skills that the students work on. There is much less attention given to speaking and listening. Pronunciation receives little, if any attention.
What is the role of the students’ native language?
The meaning of the target language is made clear by translating it into the students native language. The language that is used in class is mostly the students’ native language.
How is evaluation accomplished?
Written tests in which students are asked to translate from their native language to the target language or vice versa are often used. Questions about the target culture or questions that ask students to apply grammar rules are also common.
How does the teacher respond to student errors?
Having the students get the correct answer is considered very important. If students make errors or do not know an answer, the teacher supplies them with the correct answer.
Ask yourself if any of the answers to the above questions make sense to you. If so, you may choose to try some of the techniques of the grammar translation. Method from the review that follows. On the other hand, you may find that you agree very little with the answer to these questions, but that there are still some useful techniques associated with the Grammar-Translation Method. Below is an expanded description of some of these techniques.
Translation of a literary passage
Students translate a reading passage from the target language into their native language. The reading passage then provides the focus for several classes: vocabulary and grammatical structures in the passage are studied in subsequent lessons. The passage may be excerpted from some work from the target language literature, or a teacher may write a passage carefully designed to include particular grammar rules and vocabulary. The translation may be written or spoken or both. Students should not translate idioms and the like literally, but rather in a way that shows that they understand their meaning.
Reading comprehension questions
Students answer questions in the target language based on their under standing of the reading passage. Often the questions are sequenced so that the first group of questions asks for information contained within the reading passage. In order to answer the second group of questions, students will have to make inferences based on their understanding of the passage. This means they will have to answer questions about the passage even though the answer are not contained in the passage itself. The third group of questions requires students to relate the passage to their own experience.
Students are given one set of words and are asked to find antonyms in the reading passage. A similar exercise could be done by asking students to find synonyms for a particular set of words. Or students might be asked to define a set of words based on their understanding of them as they occur in the reading passage. Other exercises that ask students to work with the vocabulary of the passage are also possible.
Students are taught to recognize cognates by learning the spelling or sound patterns that correspond between the languages. Students are also asked to memorize words that look like cognates but have meanings in the target language that are different from those in the native language. This technique, of course, would only be useful in languages that share cognates.
Deductive application of rule
Grammar rules are presented with examples. Exceptions to each rule are also noted. Once students understand a rule, they are asked to apply it to some different examples.
Students are given a series of sentences with words missing. They fill in the blanks with new vocabulary items or with items of a particular grammar type, such as prepositions or verbs with different tenses.
Students are given lists of target language vocabulary words and their native language equivalents and are asked to memorize them. Students are also required to memorize grammatical rules and grammatical paradigms such as verb conjugations.
Use words in sentences
In order to show that students understand the meaning and use of a new vocabulary item, they make up sentences in which they use the new words.
The teacher gives the students a topic to write about in the target language. The topic is based upon some aspect of the reading passage of the lesson. Sometimes, instead of creating a composition, students are asked to prepare a précis of the reading passage.
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